Article 01.027

Thursday 23, March 2017

Article 01, paisea 027. Thoughts about drawing| Noël van Dooren

“Drawing is dead”, I was told recently by somebody looking rather happy with his statement. “Today we are in the era of 3D printing”, he added, as if that would explain everything. I thought this to be quite a hyperbole and I left it for what it was. However, in writing this introduction and pondering about the future of drawing, I asked myself: What if he has a point? Suppose in some science fictional future our brain can directly instruct the shovel and the printer, by sheer imagination and a highly innovative thought transmitter? A bizarre idea, but helpful to put it the other way around: Would there be lost something if landscapes are produced without drawings?
I would say yes, and for at least three reasons.

Full article HERE

paisea 027 [representation 2], available in digital edition HERE


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