Nicolaitian Agora

Tuesday 8, December 2015

Nicolaitian Agora

Commemoration of the “Centennial of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo” Competition. Michoacán, Mexico.

The Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, on the occasion of its centennial, invites architects, designers, visual artists and sculptors from Mexico or other countries to present design proposals for an urban architectural intervention in a public space. It will be a flexible and adaptable design to allow its implementation in the residual spaces of different cities and towns where there are communities associated with the University as well as its replication in different municipalities in the state of Michoacán, other states of Mexico and abroad. The design should develop and represent the distinctive values of the Nicolaitan university including: humanism, justice, freedom, solidarity, inclusion, tolerance, loyalty, wisdom, fraternity, equality, gratitude, responsibility and autonomy.

Projects should create an environment for free and safe coexistence and social integration; they should also propose a space of culture, learning, and unification for alumni that will outlast the projects. Ideally they will refer to an iconic image of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, as a leading, plural, and constantly evolving university. Finally, the projects should be profitable in the cost/benefit.


+info: competition website


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