Think public space Competition

Sunday 14, June 2015

THINK public SPACE Competition

Think public space Competition. Zagreb, Croatia

The Think Space Programme in 2015 is returning in form of a Special Edition under the topic THINK public SPACE. The focus of this Special Edition will be directed on urban public space in the European context. On this occasion Think Space is teaming up with an ambitious and comprehensive project of revitalization of public spaces in the City of Zagreb Zagreb for Me which is being executed by the Zagreb Society of Architects in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb.

Zagreb for Me project is seeking to enhance the quality of public spaces in the city of Zagreb through 17 architectural and urbanistic interventions including the public, professionals and municipality raising thereby consciousness and importance of the subject of public space through the project Zagreb for Me. Within the mentioned project, the Think Space Competition will strive to seek out solutions for public spaces on conceptual and theoretical levels exploring the possibilities and questioning the character of public space in present-day social, geo-political and economical context.


Cities around Europe are grounds of ever intensifying conflict between two paradigms. On the one hand side we are witnesses of urban development as an infrastructure of global capital, and on the other hand side the traditional idea of maintaining the concept of a city as a political place in which sovereignty thrives on public squares. While the first paradigm sees the private interests necessarily transform into public ones, the other looks upon public sphere as the last defensive line against gentrification. Architecture, in this case acts as a discipline providing the spatial and physical framework for this conflict of interests in public space.


+info: competition website


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