Article 01.021

Thursday 13, October 2016

Article 01.021

Article 01, paisea 021. The street, so simple yet so complex | Jordi Farrando

The street forms the basis of our urban existence and is its founding feature, bringing together buildings. It’s also the channel that feeds urban life. This is what makes it so important. And what makes its physical configuration also important. But streets are not isolated elements: they form part of a complex network in which different types of thoroughfare are connected to one another and link up with other special public spaces. The street, then, is highly complex. The correct approach should not be based on reductionism or single issue interpretations. What we need is a global vision and wider participation, with the involvement of both specialists and users.


The primary public space

The street is the primary public space, the most simple but at the same time the most complex. It forms the basis of our urban existence and is its founding feature, bringing together buildings, establishing connections between them, and transcending their individuality. Without streets there are no towns or cities. At best, isolated farmhouses which can only be reached by tracks or roads. And neither tracks nor roads can possibly perform the complex variety of functions that a street can.

Full article HERE

paisea 021 [the street 2], available in online store HERE and in digital edition HERE


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